Native assembler and line editor
This article is updated 2022-08-28! To me, a big milestone when designing a computer is that very moment when the computer is capable of editing and compiling its very own source code. One might ague that a BASIC interpreter is a way to do this but I wanted to take this even further. This is a big event in my MC3 development. After completing the first really usable version of my file system MCFS2 I began working on two crucial accompanying applications, a line editor and an assembler. These two have now reached a level where they are actually usable.

Line editor

Before there were video terminals the only real teminal-like way of interacting with a computer was through a paper teleprinter, commonly known as a "teletype". Without a video terminal there is no way to move a cursor around. You can only enter commands one line at a time and the result will be printed line by line on a roll of paper. A line editor is a way to edit a text file using this environment. It's a bit like writing a BASIC program actually. Every line of the text file has a number and lines are altered by replacing the entire line. I'm not using a teleprinter but the principle is quite easy to implement and the neat thing is that it will work regardless of the terminal used since no special control codes are needed (unlike a modern editor like emacs or vim). My line editor is very simple. The editor can be started without arguments to create an empty file or with a file name argument to load a file into memory for editing. The editor have two modes. A command mode and a text entry mode. When started it enters the command mode indicated by a "::" prompt. Typing "help" and <enter> shows the available commands. Commands are not case sensitive and can be shortened by typing only its first letter. For example the command "s" is the same as "save". At any point, pressing ESC ($1b) will put the editor back in command mode ("::" prompt). /devel/ # edit myfile.asm :: help Line editor v1.2 Daniel Tufvesson 2017-2022 Insert <line number> Delete <line number> Print <starting line number> Replace <line number> Save Help Numbers (on/off) Quit :: There are currently two ways of manipulating text. By inserting a line and by deleting a line. Below is an example of entering a few lines of text. For clarity, I have also typed in the line-ending key strokes. :: insert 0 : This is a line of text <enter> 1 : This is another line of text <enter> 2 : Third line of text <ESC> :: The insert command can also be followed by a line number to insert a line number to insert lines at a specific place in the file. :: insert 2 2 : Text squeezed in between existing lines <enter> 3 : Another line <ESC> :: The replace can be used to replace a line. Existing line will be printed and the new line contents can be entered. :: replace 0 0 : This is a line of text 0 : This is the first line of text <enter> :: The print command will print the current file to screen. It's somewhat like the "list" command in BASIC. :: print 0 : This is the first line of text 1 : This is another line of text 2 : Text squeezed in between existing lines 3 : Another line 4 : Third line of text :: It will print a page of up to 20 lines at once and pressing <enter> will print another 20 line page of text. Pressing <ESC> will abort printout and return to command input. The print command can be followed by a line number to begin printing at a specific point of the file. The save command will prompt the user for a filename and save he file to the current directory. If the editor was used edit an existing file, the suggested filename will be the same as the opened file. Saving will always overwrites existing files so some care must be taken when naming files. The number command will turn line number display on and off. Download the MC3 line editor: - source - listing - s19


This really is a core piece of software in the MC3 project. I tried to make the code simple to follow rather than effective so it will not win any prizes for speed but it works really well. I wanted to make an assembler that I could use instead of the cross assembler on my PC. It had to be useful and reliable and I think I managed to achieve that. The assembler is made for 6301/6303 CPUs but can be used for the 6800 as well if only 6800 opcodes are used. This is the quick help that the assembler prints out if no arguments are given. /devel/ # asm 6301/6303 assembler v1.0.2 Daniel Tufvesson 2017 Syntax: asm [files] [-l] [-e] [-d] [-tXXXX] Options: -l Generate listing -e Hide errors -d Assemble directly to memory -tXXXX Move symbol table to address $XXXX (default $0100) /devel/ # The basic principle of operation of the assembler is that it sequentially assembles the files given on the command line in two passes. Only a small part of the source is kept in memory at once to make room for as much generated program code as possible. This results in a lot of small file system reads and slows down the process substantially but enables assembly of large source files that would not normally fit in memory, I think it's a reasonable compromise. The first pass identifies all labels and builds up the symbol table in memory. The second pass completes the final assembly. Source files must be defined before any options. Example:/devel/ # asm file1.asm file2.asm file3.asm -l -d -t4000 Without any options the assembler only builds up the symbol table and verifies the assembly. No program listing or machine code is generated. Good for verifying source code without using up unnecessary memory. Errors are reported and printed to the screen. To actually generate anything, an option must be given. See explanation of options below. Generate listing (option -l) This option prints out the program listing. It will show the filename, line number, assembly line and generated data. When the assembly is complete it will end with printing the symbol table. Assemble directly to memory (option -d) This option will tell the assembler to write the generated machine code and data directly to memory. Move symbol table (option -tXXXX) When assembling code to memory there is a risk that the symbol table will collide with the generated data. Therefore this option allows for moving the start of the symbol table to another place in memory rather than the default $0100. This is the only option that takes an argument. A four character 16 bit hexadecimal address must follow directly after the "-t". Hide errors (option -e) This option will hide all errors from the printout. They will however still show up in the error counter. As you see from the options, the assembler generates machine code directly to memory. Right now it was the easiest and yet most flexible method to implement. It leaves the program directly executable in memory directly after assembly for fast turn-around time when developing. In the future I will probably extend the functionality to generate S19 files directly. Right now the easiest way to save an executable program back to the file system is to assemble to memory and then save the generated memory range to file. This method also memory efficient since S19 data takes up a lot of space.

Assembler specifications

- Source file size limited only by the file system - Number of source files limited only by the command line length - Length of labels is limited only by memory space (longer labels consumes more memory) - Machine code generated and written directly to memory - Symbol tale can be moved to any unused memory area - Direct memory addressing can be controlled by the "<" character as in 6809 assembler I hope you find this interesting. I've never seen a native 6303/6301 assembler out there in the wild before. This is probably my most serious software project for the MC3 and I will keep improving it in the future. Download the MC3 native assembler: - source - listing - s19
by DiTBho 2023-11-08 18:58 UTC
HI I downloaded your motasm tools, but I'm having trouble compiling your native assembler. as1h native-asm.asm 303: Symbol Redefined 333: Symbol Redefined 341: Symbol Redefined 343: Symbol Redefined 449: Symbol Redefined 468: Symbol Redefined 537: Symbol Redefined 546: Symbol Redefined 562: Symbol Redefined 564: Symbol Redefined 581: Symbol Redefined 583: Symbol Redefined 601: Symbol Redefined 605: Symbol Redefined 620: Symbol Redefined 623: Symbol Redefined 1067: Symbol Redefined 1072: Symbol Redefined 1093: Symbol Redefined 1098: Symbol Redefined 1101: Symbol Redefined 1104: Symbol Redefined 1107: Symbol Redefined 1113: Symbol Redefined 1118: Symbol Redefined 1127: Symbol Redefined 1130: Symbol Redefined 1141: Symbol Redefined 1145: Symbol Redefined 1344: Symbol Redefined Number of errors 30

by Daniel 2023-11-08 20:33 UTC
Oh, I guess I should have mentioned this somewhere. The assembler source use longer labels than supported by default in motasm. Edit as.h and set "#define MAXLAB 24" or more. That should get you going!

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